My brothers and sisters helped to coordinate a surprise birthday party for our Mom's 60th! We'd been putting things together for a couple months leading up to the big day, and it turned out great! Here are some pics to summarize the day (and thanks to my brother-in-law for taking all the great shots during the party):
Frame I made to put our 'message' in:
Since there's 5 siblings we each held letters to spell out:
WE (wooden heart) U M O M
(unfortunately I don't have a close up of the frame with the pictures... I need to snap one!)
Created individual 'juices' using these SUPER CUTE canning jars Ty had found!
The theme was citrus with orange, yellow, green, and pink colors.
It was a definate success and she was VERY surprised! Love you Mom!
After organizing this surprise, it was finally time for summer. We've been spending many of our days out at the lake! We all had a wonderful 4th of July watching 2 fireworks shows!!
Since then besides relaxing at the lake I've tried getting some of my 'to-do' list things checked off. I've been printing, laminating, cutting, and gluing things like crazy!! There's SO MANY wonderful educators out there that have shared their ideas online. I've spent hours on end just browsing through blogs... I can't wait to re-arrange my classroom and add all the fun things I've been creating! Here's a bit of the madness:
A few months ago I created some paper owl lanterns. I wanted to add some pom-poms and a table number to hang as a cluster above each table. Here's how they turned out... although they're hanging a bit odd because of the cupboard, but you get the idea.
This one will probably just hang over the library area or my desk.
I've also covered a couple clipboards. Here's the one I'll use for jotting down anecdotal notes. Who doesn't LOVE ribbon?!
Next on the list was covering the 'Reflection Journals' the kiddos use throughout the year for reading, writing, math, and other reflective type thoughts. Usually I have the students create a cover and I put their picture in the middle then laminate and tape them to the front. This year I thought it'd be fun to surprise them with a 'cute' look. I chose a different piece of paper for each one! Then I glued on a piece of ribbon (MORE RIBBON!) and all I have left to do is tab each subject and print a label with their name.
Another project was my birthday 'gifts'. I usually write out a certificate for each student with a pencil and some kind of candy treat. I wanted to do something different... and I'm debating whether or not to allow birthday treats this year. [So many kids bring in sugar loaded snacks, messy cupcakes, and it's expensive for my families. I'm not sure what I'll do... but I really wish they'd bring in something healthy. Carrots? Celery sticks with peanut butter? I wish!]
So anyways here's the birthday notebooks I made. Students can choose which one they'd like and I'm hoping to order [need to do that soon!] personalized birthday pencils with a message like "Happy Birthday! Love, Mrs. Oas". The owl templates I found online while I was browsing blogs. I can't remember which one [because I literally browsed hundreds!] but I would love to give them credit. Then I typed a nametag for each one so they can write their name on the front. I can't wait to put them into a cute bin with a birthday sign!
I might even write a little message on the inside... not sure yet?!
Okay... and the last thing I'll post are these cute [Target dollar deals of course] notebooks and pens. I'm not quite finished with these though... I'd like to create some kind of 'Thank You' tag for them. The idea is that I stock up on some thank you gifts to use throughout the year. So many times I have to rush out and pick something up [of course when I don't have time] so I'm hoping this will help out!
Phew! I'm sorry this post has been SO LONG! I really need to do a better job of updating things as they happen. I don't know HOW those other bloggers do it?! Especially with kids??
Hope you were able to get inspired to do some of your own crafts or tryout some of these! Until next time...